incl. 13% Tax plus shipping

Agave chrysantha 50cm dm

Agave chrysantha

plant size: 50cm dm

Exotischer Pflanzenmarkt 5.4.2025
Indianerbananenfest 20.9.2025
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6 x Punica granatum 120/130cm
3 x Agave desmettiana variegata dm 10/20cm - BIO
4 x Agave bracteosa dm15/20cm- BIO
2 x Agave guadalajariana dm25cm
5 x Yucca filifera 40/50cm - BIO
7 x Yucca pallida x Yucca arkansana 10/15cm - BIO
7 x Yucca baccata 25/30cm dm - BIO
8 x Yucca gloriosa 40/50cm - BIO
7 x Yucca carnerosana 50/60cm - BIO
6 x Yucca arkansana x karlsruhensis 30cm - BIO
6 x Yucca filamentosa variegata "Golden Sword" 50cm
13 x Phoenix canariensis 230cm trunk 20/30cm
15 x Trachycarpus fortunei 160/180cm, trunk 70cm
12 x Washingtonia robusta 200cm - BIO
7 x Chamaerops humilis 160cm
5 x Chamaerops humilis var. vulcano 100cm
13 x Butia capitata 200-220cm trunk 50-60cm
6 x Chamaerops humilis var cerifera 90cm
5 x Chamaerops humilis var. vulcano 60/70cm
8 x Trithrinax campestris 110/120cm
14 x Phoenix sylvestris 140/160cm - BIO
4 x Sabal minor 90/100cm
8 x Sabal yapa 60/80cm - BIO
3 x Chamaerops humilis var cerifera 80cm
7 x Asimina triloba 10 seeds *BIO
8 x Dracaena draco 90/110cm - BIO
4 x Agave lechuguilla dm 25/30cm - BIO
5 x Caesalpinia gilliesii 50/60cm
3 x AUcuba japonica 130cm
12 x Brachychiton rupestris 280cm
10 x Agave neomexicana 5/10cm dm - BIO
4 x Agave ovatifolia dm 15cm - BIO
5 x Phoenix reclinata 110/130cm - BIO
10 x Furcraea selloa marginata 40/50cm - BIO
1 x Arbutus unedo 80/100cm
4 x Agave vilmoriniana dm 30/40cm - BIO
9 x Agave havardiana 30/40cm dm
5 x Albizia julibrissin 200cm
4 x Ceratonia siliqua - Carob tree 20/30cm - BIO
7 x Eugenia jambos 200cm
8 x Pinus pinea 200cm
4 x Eriobotrya japonica 200cm
5 x Acca sellowiana 60/70cm
2 x Chamaerops humilis var cerifera 160cm
9 x Dracaena draco 130cm
4 x Albizia julibrissin 20cm - BIO
4 x Chamaerops humilis var. vulcano 130cm
4 x Yucca karlsruhensis x Yucca pallida 20cm - BIO
2 x Agave lophantha 5/10cm dm
3 x Eleagnus ebbingei 110cm
1 x Phoenix theophrastii 130/140cm - BIO
5 x Trachycarpus wagnerianus 90cm
6 x Trachycarpus wagnerianus 110cm trunk 20/25cm
3 x Feigen-Fruchtaufstrich 212g - BIO
4 x Mispel-Fruchtaufstrich 212g - BIO
3 x Eleagnus ebbingei "limelight" 60/70cm
2 x Aronia arbutifolia "Erecta" 80cm
2 x Aronia melanocarpa "Königshof" 80cm
4 x Photinia fraseri variegata 70cm
2 x Aronia arbutifolia "Brilliant" 80cm
3 x Mespilus germanica 180cm
2 x Cornus mas Jolico 80/90cm
6 x Cupressus sempervirens 150/160cm
5 x Agave bracteosa dm20/30cm- BIO
8 x Chitalpa x tashkentensis 150/170cm
3 x Magnolia grandiflora "Gallisoniensis" 50/60cm
5 x Eleagnus ebbingei 50cm - BIO
4 x Agave angustifolia var marginata dm15cm - BIO
4 x Ziziphus jujuba 80/100cm
2 x Agave victoriae reginae 15/20cm dm
4 x Photinia fraseri 70/80cm
3 x Manfreda maculosa x M. virginica 30cm - BIO
8 x Yucca rostrata 60/70cm
6 x Catalpa bignonioides 130cm - BIO
3 x Cycas revoluta 20cm trunk, 90/100cm
4 x Cedrus deodara pendula 160/180cm
3 x Magnolia grandiflora 130/150cm
3 x Magnolia grandiflora 20/30cm - BIO
1 x Xanthoceras sorbifolium 60/70cm
1 x Aloe vera dm 10cm - BIO
3 x Magnolia grandiflora "Gallisoniensis" 80/100cm
4 x Trachycarpus fortunei 240cm, trunk 100cm
2 x Kaki getrocknet 90g *BIO
3 x Butia capitata 180cm, Stamm 20-30cm
4 x Trachycarpus wagnerianus 120cm trunk 30cm
3 x Asimina triloba 100 seeds *BIO
3 x Bismarckia nobilis 140/160cm
4 x Hesperaloe parviflora 10seeds *BIO
2 x Wisteria floribunda 5 Samen eigene Ernte NÖ
1 x Yucca treculeana 70/80cm - BIO
2 x Prunus desycarpa - Biricoccolo 180/200cm
2 x Geschenk-Gutschein 50 Euro
2 x Agave ovatifolia dm 10cm - BIO
3 x Olea europae - Olive tree 120cm shrub
3 x Poncirus trifoliata 10 seeds *BIO
2 x Catalpa bignonoides 15 seeds *BIO
1 x Sabal minor 5 seeds - eigene Ernte NÖ *BIO
2 x Persea americana veredelt - Avocado 160cm
3 x Yucca schidigera 90/100cm
1 x Phoenix canariensis 160cm - BIO
1 x Granatapfel-Fruchtaufstrich 47g - BIO
3 x Phoenix canariensis 120cm - BIO
1 x Musella lasiocarpa trunk 30cm, 80/100cm
2 x Strelitzia augusta 180cm
1 x Senecio articulatus 20/30cm - BIO
1 x Ornithogalum caudatum - Grüne Meerzwiebel 30cm - BIO
1 x Araucaria angustifolia 160/180cm - BIO
2 x Nolina microcarpa multitrunk 60/70cm - BIO
2 x Punica granatum 60cm - BIO
2 x Brahea armata 130/140cm
2 x Aloe mitriformis dm 10cm - BIO
2 x Yucca madrensis 100/110cm
2 x Granatapfel-Fruchtaufstrich 106g - BIO
2 x Manfreda maculosa x virginica F2 10 seeds
4 x Yucca gloriosa variegata 20cm - BIO
2 x Dasylirion sereke 30/40cm - BIO
2 x Ginkgo biloba "Pyramidalis"40/60cm
2 x Nolina sp. La Siberica 90/100cm - BIO
4 x Agave neomexicana 25/30cm dm
1 x Amelanchier "Ballerina" 80cm
1 x Aloe saponaria dm10/15cm- BIO
1 x Yucca rostrata 90cm
1 x Dirndl-Fruchtaufstrich 106g - BIO
2 x Chamaerops humilis 100/110cm - BIO
1 x Cydonia oblonga mela 200cm
1 x Ziziphus jujuba 70cm
2 x Yucca baccata 100/110cm
1 x Carya illinoinensis Pawnee 150cm
1 x Ziziphus jujuba 160cm
1 x Yucca gloriosa variegata 100/110cm
1 x Arbutus unedo 60cm
1 x Agave americana blue dm 10/20cm - BIO
1 x Hesperaloe parviflora "Yellow Flower" 20/25cm - BIO
1 x Musella lasiocarpa trunk 30cm, 80/100cm - BIO
1 x Aloe arborescens 60cm - BIO
1 x Eriobotrya japonica 180/200cm
1 x Jubaea chilensis 200cm
1 x Olea europae - Olive tree 120cm trunk 60cm shrub
1 x Albizia julibrissin 100cm
1 x Yucca elephantipes 100/120cm - BIO
1 x Agave chrysantha 50cm dm
1 x Howea forsteriana 150/170cm
1 x Aloe arborescens 130cm - BIO
1 x Acca sellowiana 130/150cm
1 x Aloe striata 50/60cm - BIO
1 x Caesalpinia gilliesii 80/100cm
1 x Asimina triloba veredelt "Mango" 60cm
1 x Cupressus arizonica 160cm
Net Value: 62.666,71EUR
+ VAT: 8.110,29EUR
Total: 70.777,00EUR
English Deutsch
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All prices are in Euro including taxes (plants 13% VAT, fruits 10%, others 20%).

Additionally to the product price we calculate a sum for delivery. This delivery costs will be shown during ordering.

The delivery costs are dependent on the weight of products. The delivery costs of products which will be sent together in one package can be cheaper than single orders.



All goods are generally dispatched on the next monday or tuesday after receiving payment. Large quantities by goods haulage or air freight. Where necessary delivery may be made in several consignments.

Delivery of plants is only possible into the countries of the European union.


Costs of delivery and packaging

The shipping charges are dependent on the country of destination and the weight of products.
Plants bigger than 120cm will be sent by goods haulage , costs of delivery after request.


up to 1kg 6,45 Euro

up to 2kg 7,75 Euro

up to 4kg 9,04 Euro

up to 10kg 12,93 Euro

up to 20kg 20,68 Euro

up to 29kg 20,68 Euro


Germany, Slowakia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia:

up to 2kg 20,33 Euro

up to 4kg 24,02 Euro

up to 10kg 28,50 Euro

up to 20kg 61,26 Euro

up to 29kg 61,26 Euro


Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Romania:

up to 2kg 20,94 Euro

up to 4kg 24,63 Euro

up to 10kg 29,63 Euro

up to 20kg 81,60 Euro

up to 29kg 81,60 Euro


Large quantities (more than 29kg) will be sent by goods haulage or where necessary delivery may be made in several consignments. Prices on request.

If the customer specified a wrong/incomplete address (e.g. wrong city code, wrong house number, etc.), the additional costs for the delivery will be charged at the expense of the customer



All articles are generally dispatched until the next monday or tuesday after receiving of payment. 

In winter, during deep temperatures, delivery is not always savely possible. In this case we will wait with delivery until warmer temperatures.  We will inform you concerning the time of delivery.

A longer time of delivery or delivery on a specific date is possible on reuqest.


Damaged, late or lost shipments

Shipping and importation are at your risk and expense. Costs incurred through import duties, inspection charges, treatments and the like are solely your responsibility. Damage to, or partial loss of shipments must be noted on receipt by the deliverer on the shipping documents.




Payment in advance by the use of paypal or money transfer. In Austria also delivery by cash on delivery is possible (please notice, that for the service cash on delivery 4,20 Euro will be calculated additionally to te delivery costs).

Pick up by the customer from our nursery in Guntramsdorf is on request possible.


Reservation of ownership

Goods remain in our ownership until full payment is made.